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CMO Playbook

Top 10 trends that marketers need to pay attention to in 2022
A Guide to Successful Affiliate Marketing, Part 2

A Guide to Successful Affiliate Marketing, Part 2

In our last article on successful affiliate marketing we explored this important method to grow customers and sales and talked about some ways to get started. Now we’re going to dive deeper and explore some ways to grow your affiliate marketing program and achieve continued success. Let’s get started!   Keep your affiliates happy..

A Guide to Successful Affiliate Marketing, Part 1

A Guide to Successful Affiliate Marketing, Part 1

There are many ways to expand your brand’s reach and grow product sales through marketing and advertising. One method that can be incredibly effective for brands is affiliate marketing, where your product or service is marketed and promoted by a network of websites, individuals, and other entities in exchange for a commission on each..

Google Ads Success is Built with Great Data, Part 3

Google Ads Success is Built with Great Data, Part 3

Specific tips for B2B marketers Google’s approach to advertising has been intended to simplify and streamline several aspects in order to make it easier for non-experts to get good advertising results. This approach has relied more on Google’s artificial intelligence mechanisms, which work well at large scale and when presented with a great set..

The Secret to Google Ads Success, Part 2

The Secret to Google Ads Success, Part 2

How advertisers can make the most of the platform As we’ve explored in the last article in this series, Google has been shifting its advertising approach over the past several years. Rather than providing more granular flexibility, they have focused on more automation, and a more artificial intelligence-driven approach, while addressing growing privacy concerns..

The Secret to Google Ads Success, Part 1

The Secret to Google Ads Success, Part 1

Important changes to Google Ads since its inception In case you haven’t noticed, Google has been shifting its advertising approach over the past several years. Rather than providing more granular flexibility, they have focused on more automation, and a more artificial intelligence-driven approach. In this article, which is the first part of a 3-part..